Monday 29 April 2013

Final robot test room scene

For the final scene of the test room I wanted to do a over the shoulder animation of the robot shooting at a inanimate silhouette and it exploding into a number of particles using after effects particle effects to give off this animation style.  
First I rendered the robot moving into position in Maya, making sure it had a dynamic camera angle for the viewer, I wanted it to look as if the viewer was perhaps playing a video game in this scene and was controlling the robot character.
In After effects I added a HUD display I created to further this feel I tried to keep it the same palette as the rest of the animation so it wasn't an eyesore.
After the shot is fired I added particles effects from after effects into the animation to give off a feel of a small explosion after the shot is fired.
I then added a shatter effect to the silhouette and put the particle effects into the middle to show that it is the image displayed that explodes during this action sequence.

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